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The Dusk Ports were a collection of seemingly free trade cities on the western shores of the Dragon Sea. In reality, they were vassal states to the green dragon Orlarrakh.[1]


Although in appearance each port was an independent and self-ruling state, rival to each other and never cooperating in anything, in reality all ports were under the thumb of Orlarrakh, the Green Duchess, who in turn was a vassal of the ruler of Melabrauth.[1]


The Dusk Ports were located on the western shore of the Dragon Sea.


  • Dusklan—A city of racial diversity that harbored escaped slaves, if only to use them as sacrifices to Orlarrakh.[1]
  • Lylorn—The dominant Dusk Port as of 1479 DR. Lylorn boasted the most far-reaching trade network and the most aggressive sailors.[2]
  • Marrauk—A bleak and wind-scoured city in an equally desolate hillside, it featured a busy shipping trade and a fiercely defiant government.[2]
  • Mreyelundar—A city of lawlessness and home of the strange Order of the Dawn. It was the most actively anti-draconic of the five cities.[2]
  • Tarsith—A calm fishing community known for their exports of rock crabs and fine sailing equipment.[2]

Notable Inhabitants


