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Eyebite is a fairly simple spell known to all fey pact warlocks. When a warlock casts eyebite he or she makes a strike deep into the mind of a creature fifty feet or less from them, causing them so much pain so as to disappear from the creature's sight for a brief moment. The effectiveness of eyebite is determined in large part by the strength of will and personality of the warlock casting it and more experienced warlocks can cast eyebite with far more power. As a basic spell known to all fey pact warlocks, eyebite can be cast at any time.



  1. Template:Cite book/Player's Handbook 3.5 edition
  2. David "Zeb" Cook (April 1995). Player's Handbook 2nd edition (revised). (TSR, Inc.), p. 225. ISBN 0-7869-0329-5.