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Fermata was the divine realm of Finder Wyvernspur, a famous bard and a Harper agent who reached apotheosis after slaying the god of rot Moander shortly before the Time of Troubles.[1]

Fermata. That's the name of Finder's realm. It's a musical term for a hold over a note or a rest. Finder's life and his music are sustained in his realm, and it's also a place where he can rest.
— Joel the Rebel Bard[2]


Fermata was located on the Arvandor layer of Arborea. The realm was reachable via a hard-packed dirt road, between the Gilded Hall of the Sensates and Tymora's realm of Brightwater. By foot, the journey from the Gilded Hall to Fermata took about half a day.[2]

If it weren't for the invitation to breakfast, I don't think I'd go near it. But it does remind me of Finder, I've got to admit... It's very showy and, as you said, a trifle forbidding.
— Jasmine, on Finder's manor house.[3]

Like the entire plane of Arborea, Fermata was filled with lush green vegetation, mighty oak trees, cedars, fields of wheat, oat, and fragrant windflowers.[4] The border of Fermata was marked with impressive gray stone pillars. One bore a carved white symbol of Finder—a harp; the other—a bird's eye symbol of Fermata. When travelers reached Finder's mansion, they were greeted with two huge cedar trees marking the road and smaller cedars lining both sides of the path that led to the god's home. The road was paved in cut gray stone, and the trees formed a tunnel of fragrant greenery.[3]

Past the cedar-lined stone road lay a vast meadow of green grass that stretched to Finder's grand manor house, built in the style of the deity's home—the nation of Cormyr. The mansion itself was much bigger than most rich noble villas in the Cormyrean countryside. The building's central hall was crowned with two massive square towers. The hall was as tall as a three-story building and was constructed out of the same chilled stone that paved the roads of Fermata. The main hall was propped up by stone pillars that tastefully framed numerous stained glass windows. The roof was encircled by an ornate stone parapet, dotted with twelve chimneys.[3]

The massive main gates remained open and welcoming, supposing the hall's breathtaking grandeur. The main hall's floors were covered in smooth grey, black, and white marble with Finder's harp holy symbol in the center. The walls were decorated with stained glass windows and floral designs that flowed onto the hall's ceiling. The fine designs created an illusion of movement if looked at for a while. Two curved marble staircases at the end of the main hall led to the manor's second floor. Two massive wooden doors on the left and right-hand sides of the hall led to the rest of the manor. The main hall was scantly furnished, holding only two decoratively carved marble benches.[3]


In addition to petitioners of Finder, the realm of Fermata was home to dryads and sheep of golden fleece, tended by musically inclined shepherds.[4]

  • Rina: one of the petitioners who dwelt within Finder's realm. She served him faithfully and spent her time working on her porcelain art. She decorated Finder's manor with numerous pieces of her masterful work.[3]
  • Springer: a petitioner who was a painter in life. He was the master who painted Finder manor's walls and ceiling with intricate floral designs.[5]



Tymora's Luck


  1. 1.0 1.1 Eric L. Boyd (September 1997). Powers & Pantheons. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 14–15. ISBN 978-0786906574.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kate Novak, Jeff Grubb (December 1997). Tymora's Luck. (TSR, Inc.), p. 24. ISBN 0-7869-0726-6.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Kate Novak, Jeff Grubb (December 1997). Tymora's Luck. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 54–55. ISBN 0-7869-0726-6.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Kate Novak, Jeff Grubb (December 1997). Tymora's Luck. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 50–53. ISBN 0-7869-0726-6.
  5. Kate Novak, Jeff Grubb (December 1997). Tymora's Luck. (TSR, Inc.), p. 57. ISBN 0-7869-0726-6.


The Olympian Glades of Arborea
Layers and their Realms
Arvandor Aquallor Mithardir
(The AerieGwyllachaightaeryllEvergoldErevan's changing palaceHanali's crystal palaceHouse of Glowing StarsLolth's GrovePale TreeTethridar)

Wandering: Seelie Court

Demiplanes: Court of Stars