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The Sundering is a series of stand alone novels explaining the events of the Second Sundering, during the Era of Upheaval. Novel releases August 2013 to June 2014:

During all this, the six novels of The Sundering series tell their stories — smaller stories, stories that show the Sundering through the eyes of both ordinary folk and some of Faerûn's iconic heroes. Each novel in The Sundering is self-contained. There are some connections between the novels — some Easter eggs, if you will — but each stands alone. What they share is a common background, with all of them occurring against the backdrop of the Sundering.[1]

Novels in Series[]

Novel Cover Release Date Author Featuring Dust Jacket Inner Cover

The Companions[]

The Companions Cover (August 6, 2013) R. A. Salvatore Drizzt Do'Urden On the dusty plains of Netheril, a young Bedine girl spins a web of forbidden magic, obliterating a pair of assassins with a single lightning stroke.

On the banks of the Sea of Fallen Stars, a tiny thief walks willingly into battle with a ruthless killer, a wide grin upon his face.

In the tunnels of Citadel Felbarr, a dwarfling is ambushed and strikes back with an attack well beyond his apparent strength and years.

These three seemingly unrelated commoners, growing up across the far reaches of the Forgotten Realms®, hold the fate of Faerûn's most famous dark elf, Drizzt Do'Urden, in their hands.

But that fate is far from certain. For in the shadows a cunning cabal of wizards is watching, intent on hunting Chosen–mortals blessed by the gods. These wizards know something mere commoners do not: Long-forgotten gods have begun to stir. Long-lost lands have begun to tremble. The world around them is about to change. And these wizards will do whatever it takes to turn the coming chaos to their advantage.

In this first book of the six-book Sundering series, New York Times best-selling author R.A. Salvatore launches a major world-shaping event that will revive old favorites, intoduce new complications, and move his signature hero Drizzt into a restored era of the Forgotten Realms.

The Godborn[]

The Godborn (October 1, 2013) Paul S. Kemp Vasen Cale At the climax of the book, a showdown between Mephistopheles, Rivalen, and Drasek Riven, each of whom held a part of Mask's divinity, Drasek Riven won and claimed all three pieces and became Mask. Erevis Cale was rescued from Hell by Vasen Cale.

The Adversary[]

The Adversary Cover (December 3, 2013) Erin M. Evans Farideh

The Reaver[]

The Reaver (Novel) Cover (February 4, 2014) Richard Lee Byers Anton Marivaldi

The Sentinel[]

The Sentinel cover (April 1, 2014) Troy Denning Kleef Kenric In the fifth book of the multi-author Sundering series kicked off by best-selling author R.A. Salvatore, embittered paladin, Kleef Kenric, finds himself embroiled in a quest to stop evil forces from taking advantage of the chaos rolling across the land of Faerûn and claiming dominion over the entirety of the Forgotten Realms.

Stubbornly clinging to his family’s worship of a long-forgotten god, paladin Kleef Kenric soon discovers that his god has blessed him with divine gifts, making him one of a new group of Chosen cropping up around the Realms. This divine gift makes him an excellent ally—and a target for those who wish to corral his powers.

After battling his way out of Marsember, a city besieged on all sides in the wake of the Sundering, he becomes swept up in the mission of a group of odd allies—a warrior noblewoman, an accomplished thief, and a mysterious short, pudgy man exuding a faint odor of decay. With the forces of Shade tracking their every step, they travel to the Underdark to thwart the rise of the goddess of Death. But before long, Kleef learns that his allies hide dangerous secrets—secrets that could destroy not only Kleef but the very fabric of the Forgotten Realms.

The Herald[]

Theherald (June 3, 2014) Ed Greenwood Elminster

