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Ibun Rensha was a member of the Rensha family of Calimshan who conquered Loudwater and much of the Delimbiyr Vale in the mid–12th century DR.[1][2]


In the Year of the Scourge, 1150 DR, Ibun Rensha and several of his family led a mercenary army to northwest Faerûn. They took over Loudwater and laid claim to most of the Delimbiyr Vale,[1][2][3] beginning a period known as the Rensha Rule.[3]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Richard Baker, Ed Bonny, Travis Stout (February 2005). Lost Empires of Faerûn. Edited by Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 141. ISBN 0-7869-3654-1.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Brian R. James, Ed Greenwood (September 2007). The Grand History of the Realms. Edited by Kim Mohan, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 121. ISBN 978-0-7869-4731-7.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Eric Menge & Stephen Radney-MacFarland (2003-07-17). What is the Green Regent. Legacy of the Green Regent. Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2016-11-01. Retrieved on 2021-09-03.