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Ithboltar was a male wizard who was the leader of the magelords of Athalantar and was killed in Elminster Aumar's insurrection.


Ithboltar was a powerful member of the magelords from the start of their power, most of the magelords began as apprentices of him: first Neldryn Hawklyn, later Kadeln Olothstar and Seldinor Stormcloak. Thus Ithboltar was the closest to a leader of the magelords as possible.[1]

However, when Elminster Aumar began his insurrection, his students appeared too disunited to fight together against the rebels. In the end, Elminster with a powerful spell destroyed Ithboltar and the few remaining magelords agreed to fight together.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Dale Donovan (July 1998). Villains' Lorebook. (TSR, Inc), p. 115. ISBN 0-7869-1236-7.
  2. Ed Greenwood (December 1994). Elminster: The Making of a Mage. (TSR, Inc.), p. ??. ISBN 1-5607-6936-X.