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Morndinsamman (dwarven: "shield brothers on high" or "high dwarves") was the collective name of the fourteen deities that formed the dwarven pantheon.[2]

Base of Operations

The majority of the Morndinsamman resided in Dwarfhome (when it was still located on Mount Celestia) under the leadership of Moradin, creator of the dwarves. Duerra and Laduguer lived in Hammergrim, having been exiled by Moradin.[3][4]


In 1383 DR, Moradin led the Morndinsamman on a crusade against the dark powers of Hammergrim, slaying Duerra and Laduguer, but at the cost of Gorm and Haela.[5]

As of 1479 DR, only Moradin, Berronar, Clangeddin, Dugmaren, Marthammor, Thard and Vergadain remained in Dwarfhome.[6] Abbathor was serving Bane as an exarch and the status of Dumathoin and Sharindlar was unknown.

Following the Second Sundering, by the end of the 15th century DR, 13 of the Morndinsamman deities appeared to have been restored to their portfolios as they were before the Time of Troubles and the Spellplague; the exception was Thard Harr, whose status at the time was unknown. The exact circumstances of their return were unclear.[7][1]


The members were:[1]



