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S'feria Ranul was a drow elf Silverstar of Selûne and the leader of the Sisters of the Blood Moon, who resided in the city of Silverymoon in the early 14th century DR.[1]


The drow priestess was a charismatic woman and a talented leader, diplomat, and tactician.[1]


S'feria's weapons of choice were her mace and trusted shield.[1]


She was born in the Underdark city of Sshamath but was raised by moon elves within the surface city of Silverymoon. By the Year of Storms, 1310 DR, S'feria was a deeply devoted follower of Selûne, goddess of the moon, and became a specialty priest of the Church of Selûne – a Silverstar. The young drow woman dedicated herself to adventuring and spreading the good word of her deity, helping those in need, abused, and oppressed.[1]

By chance, or by Selûne's caring guidance, S'feria came across Oagla'ta, a massive half-orcish woman, and her beloved gray dwarf Nyzeil Nighthammer. Despite Silverymoon being a bastion of tolerance and understanding, the city guards still were known to harbor prejudice. The goodly couple became costed by bigoted guardsmen, and S'feria could not help but intervene. This act of kindness gained her two steadfast and loyal friends and forged the first members of what later became the Sisters of the Blood Moon.[1]

Sometime later, the newly formed Sisters were ambushed by a band of goblins while traveling the northern roads. Another chance encounter followed. A half-elven ranger Nevae Quar, and her rock gnome sisters Hylei Shadowhand and Kylei Shadowhand joined the battle seeing fellow adventurers in peril. The woman realized that they fought together as one, bravely and naturally. They decided to join together to serve the cause of goodness.[1]

In 1310 DR, S'feria Ranul received a letter – a plea for help from the town of Targos in Icewind Dale. Despite the promise of gold and fame, S'feria led her Sisters to the northern city, answering its pleas for help.[1]



Video Games
Icewind Dale II

