Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Sandesyl Morgia was a female vampire and member of the Cult of the Dragon in 1484 DR.

At that time, a new Cult faction led by the mage Severin emerged, switching their adoration from dracoliches to living dragons. Sandesyl considered this a blasphemy against the teachings of Sammaster so she went to stop Severin's plan to resurrect Tiamat. She was present at the Skyreach Castle in the Greypeak Mountains.[1] She later allied herself with those who would otherwise be enemies of the Cult, such as Elminster Aumar and the forces of Neverwinter.[2]



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  1. Wolfgang Baur, Steve Winter (August 2014). Hoard of the Dragon Queen. Edited by Miranda Horner. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 82. ISBN 978-0786965649.
  2. Template:Cite game/Dungeons and Dragons: Neverwinter