Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The sitting monkey was a magical chalice carved in the shape of a monkey. It was one of the Wo-ha Ui-jung, a collection of magical vessels created by the Han people of Koryo in ancient times.


To use the sitting monkey, one had to hold a ceremony at midnight, in which they burned incense inside the cup and made a certain, strange chant. In return, they received greater skill in climbing, an overall boost to abilities that depended on experience, and the power to use the true seeing spell like a shukenja one time a day.

A user had to perform this ceremony nightly in order to retain these powers. However, if they continued this regimen for six months or more, they suffered a permanent change: their toes became as prehensile as a monkey's, able to naturally grasp things like branches, ledges, and ropes. This made it uncomfortable to wear shoes.


As one of the Wo-ha Ui-jung, the sitting bull's powers had most likely at one stage influenced the history of Koryo. However, it was later lost.

In the mid–14th century DR, King Wanang Sun led an expedition to recover three of the Wo-ha Ui-jung. He was successful, discovering the sitting bull, sitting monkey, and standing deer by 1357 DR. He kept the sitting monkey stored in his treasure rooms.[1][2]


