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Ungu Yakana was a wu jen in Ito-jo in Kozakura.[1]


Yakana was in service to the Ito family but secretly he worked for the clan's enemies, who paid him well. When this was discovered, he was imprisoned in the caves deep the castle. The ancient curse placed him under the service of the krakentua responsible for the Ito family's fall. He supplied it with its favorite cherry incense, assisted by three ju ju zombies.[1]

In Kozakuran Year 1433 (1359 DR), an adventuring party hired by Michimori Uemon to recover the Seven Swords fought and destroyed him.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Jon Pickens, et al. (December 1986). Night of the Seven Swords. Edited by Karen S. Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 31. ISBN 0-88038-327-5.