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Forgotten Realms Wiki

A wereboar was a humanoid or giant lycanthrope that was bitten by another wereboar. Wereboars were often of neutral alignment but hunted anything for food. Any humanoid or giant that survived a wereboar's bite could be infected with the curse, thus becoming a wereboar themselves.

Wereboars were aggressive and unfriendly creatures. They would often provoke fights for the sake of fighting. While mean-spirited, they were not necessarily evil in nature.

Physical Appearance

A wereboar in humanoid form tends to be a stocky, muscular individual of average height. Wereboars have three forms, a boar, the normal form of whatever creature is cursed, and that of a hybrid host/boar mix.[2]

Known Wereboars

  • Balin: a half-orc wereboar that was a member of Rusk's group of lycanthropes.



